AGAPE ZOE CORFU Holistic Retreat – COMING HOME 23.-29. June , Buddha Hall

Sonntag 23.-29.06.19 Einlass: 8:00, Beginn: 9:00 Buddha Hall, ,

Tickets – AGAPE ZOE CORFU Holistic Retreat – COMING HOME


AGAPE ZOE Corfu Holistic Retreat - COMING HOME

A Journey to the Essence of Your Heart

Welcome to a ONE-WEEK JOURNEY & HOLISTIC IMMERSIVE RETREAT to the magical emerald Greek island of Corfu. Surrounded by green, colourful, lush & abundant nature and only a breath away from the Mediterranean Sea. 

* Connect to NATURE * Unleash your CREATIVITY * Find your unique DANCE * Explore your VOICE * Tap into your INTUITION * Discover your SPIRIT ANIMAL * ENJOY Sacred CACAO Ceremonies * Focus with YOGA

Using the power of the Voice, Movement, Music, Yoga, Meditation, Intuitive Dance, Shamanic Journeys, Sacred Rituals, Plant Teachers & Sound - let´s travel deep inside to finally arrive Home in our Heart. 

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